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 Install Courses for Tiger Woods 2004
Tutorials - Tiger Woods Course Installation
Install Courses for Tiger Woods 2004
Install Courses for Tiger Woods 2004
Added by: JSJarvis
Date Added: Jan 4 07 @ 7:12:25 AM
Total Views: 16,090

You will need the following files to complete instructions:

CLSetup - A course and library installer for Tiger Woods 2004

Version 1.2b, released May 20:th, 2004
For release information, please see the included readme.txt file

This document was last updated on May 20:th, 2004

Table of contents

License agreement
A solution
A sample installation
Uninstalling courses and libraries
The property dialog
Other features of CLSetup
Tips and tricks
A note to course designers
Uninstalling CLSetup

License agreement

It's simple: CLSetup is the intellectual property of me, J�rgen Ekroth. CLSetup is 100% freeware, and you may use it as you see fit, for your own pleasure. CLSetup may however not be placed on web servers or included on media such as CD-ROMs targeted for purchase without my permission.

This program is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. All Rights Reserved.


The Tiger Woods 2004 golf sim comes with a course utility tool that can be used for installing and uninstalling courses and libraries. However, installing courses is not as easy and straightforward as in other golf sims like Jack Nicklaus 6 (GBC) or the Microsoft Links series. In those sims you simply copy the course file into the course folder and you are set. In Tiger Woods, you need to perform at least two manual steps before the installation can be done, namely unzipping the distribution archive, and create a folder for the course or library to be installed in. There are also a few course assets that the Tiger Woods game can use, but the supplied Course Utility program cannot assign them. From version 1.2 and up, CLSetup can also uninstall courses and libraries in a more complete way than the standard course utilities tool. Since the course utility tool does not handle all assets that a course can have, stray files and folders will be left behind when uninstalling. CLSetup will remove all assets including the folder structure when uninstalling.

A solution

CLSetup offers a solution to these shortcomings by making things easier for the end user. The program handles the unzipping and directory creation automatically, and can also make full use of all available course assets, provided that the designer of the course has included them in the distribution archive.

A sample installation

When you start CLSetup, the dialog to browse for a release archive automatically opens, since this is the most likely operation the user will select. When you have located either a ZIP, TCX or TCL archive, press Ok to continue. Note that you can select more than one file.

HINT: If you want to install a course and a library that the course requires, make sure you select the files in the correct order. The library needs to be to the left of the course in the file name box. For this to work, first click on the course, then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the library.

CLSetup will now unpack the ZIP or TCX file. In case the ZIP file contains a TCX file, the included TCX file will unpack at the same time. After that, CLSetup searches through the supplied files and tries to determine what actions should be taken.

  • If CLSetup finds a TCR file, the package is assumed to be a course.
  • If a TCL file is found, the package is assumed to be a library.
  • If neither a TCR nor a TCL file is found, CLSetup will abort the current installation.

CLSetup then automatically suggests an installation folder based on the type of installation:

  • If the installation is a course, the suggested installation folder is a subfolder to the EA SPORTS/Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004/Courses folder. The name of the suggested subfolder is the name of the course, as found in the TCR file.
  • If the installation is a library, the suggested installation folder is a subfolder to the EA SPORTS/Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004/libraries folder. The name of the suggested subfolder is the name of the library, as found in the TCL file. Note that there is no original libraries subfolder to the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 folder. This is just a suggested way to keep things nice and tidy, and avoid problems caused by libraries with identical file names. If you accept the suggested folder, the libraries folder will be created for you.

NOTE: If you have selected not to use the suggested default library target path, the user-specified library target path will be used instead. See the program properties for more information on this option.

You now have four choices:

  • Accept the suggested folder by pressing Ok.
  • Browse to an existing folder by clicking on the folder button to the right of the field where the suggested folder is displayed.
  • Edit the suggested folder by making changes in the edit field.
  • Cancel the installation by pressing Cancel.

If you decide to continue after either accepting the suggested folder, or after choosing a new folder, CLSetup will show a final acceptance dialog box where you can either accept to go ahead with the installation, or to abort it. If you decide to proceed, CLSetup first verifies that the course or library isn't already installed, and that all dependant libraries are present. (If one or more required libraries are missing, you will get a warning message, but you can still install the course) After that, CLSetup creates the installation folder, copies all the needed files, and finally registers the course or library in the TW2004 course and library registry.

Uninstalling courses and libraries

Uninstalling courses and libraries using CLSetup is just about as straightforward as installing them. You uninstall courses and libraries separately, and you reach the uninstall dialogs through the menu, or by pressing Ctrl/C for courses and Ctrl/L for libraries.

CLSetup will display a list of courses or libraries, depending on what you selected in the menu. To uninstall, simply select the items you wish to uninstall, and click the "Uninstall" button. CLSetup will ask for confirmation before the uninstall proceeds. Clicking the "Properties" button will show information about the first of the selected items.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind when uninstalling:

  • If a library shares its installation folder with another course or library, the folder will not be removed.
  • If a course shares its installation folder with another course, existing CLS subfolders will not be removed
  • If a folder has at least one write-protected file in it, the folder will not be removed.
  • When uninstalling libraries, CLSetup will warn if a library being uninstalled is used by any of the installed courses.
  • Library use is indicated in the library list by a counter in the right hand side of the list. The counter shows how many courses that use each library.
  • CLSetup will not automatically attempt to uninstall any libraries used by a course when you uninstall it, like the standard course utility tool will. Instead, you must do this manually. This was done on purpose, since it's more common to keep libraries than removing them.

The property dialog

CLSetup has a special dialog box to edit the available program properties. You reach this dialog from the menu, or by pressing Ctrl/P on the keyboard. The following properties are available:
  • Warn when overwriting files in the target folder - If a file with the same name as the file being copied is present in the target folder, you will be asked if you want to keep the original file or overwrite it. Uncheck this box if you always want CLSetup to overwrite the files in the target installation folder.
  • Warn on cloaked libraries - If a library required for the course you are installing is cloaked using the CLTool utility, you will be presented with a warning. Uncheck this box to hide the warnings in future installations.
  • Save properties at program exit - If you make changes in the property dialog, these will be saved when you exit the program. Uncheck this box if you want to make a temporary change to the properties during an installation session.
  • Always ask for a target installation folder - If this box is checked, you will get a dialog box where the target installation folder can be specified. Uncheck this box if you always want CLSetup to install in the suggested default location.
  • Always ask the user to acknowledge the installation - If this box is checked, you will get a popup box where CLSetup asks you to acknowledge the installation. Uncheck this box if you always want CLSetup to automatically proceed with the installation.
  • Installation path - The root folder to use when suggesting the installation folder. Default is the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 folder. Change this if you want to install your custom courses outside the game folder structure.
  • Install libraries in dedicated subfolders under the libraries folder - When checked, CLSetup will suggest a library installation path based on the installation path root followed by a libraries subfolder, and a subfolder based on the library name. Uncheck this to install all libraries into the same folder.
  • Library folder - If the dedicated library folder option is unchecked, this folder will be the target folder for all libraries being installed.
  • Remember the folder where you last opened an installation archive - When checked, CLSetup will automatically record the folder you navigated to when opening the last install archive and update the Archive folder property with it.
  • Archive folder - The folder in which to look for installation archives.
  • Always ask for a flag if no flag is present in a course - If this box is checked, CLSetup will ask the user to choose a custom flag file if no flag file has been detected in the selected installation archive.
  • Flag folder -  The folder in which to look for custom flag files.

Other features of CLSetup

  • CLTool integration - In case you have CLTool installed, CLSetup will take any cloaked courses and libraries into account when looking for installed and required courses and libraries, which means that there is no need to uncloak anything before installing. If required libraries are cloaked during installation, you will get warning messages about this. These warnings can be disabled through the program properties.
  • You can replace the splash screen image in the program window with your own customized image. Just replace the supplied clsetup.bmp file with your own graphics. For best results, please keep the image size identical to the original graphics. Any valid Windows bitmap will work as long as the name of the file is clsetup.bmp.

Tips and tricks

For the more experienced PC users, CLSetup has the ability to automatically open an installation archive if the name of the archive is given as an argument to CLSetup. This can be done in two ways:
  • In Windows Explorer, click on the ZIP file, then hold down the shift key and right-click on the ZIP file again and choose "Open with...". Select "Other program..." and browse to the CLSetup executable. Click ok. If you are running Windows XP, this choice will be remembered next time, so you will have an "Open with" submenu where CLSetup is one of the choices. Note that "Open with" only works with one file, even though more than one file is selected. This is the way Windows works.
  • Create a shortcut to the CLSetup executable in the "Send to" folder. Depending on your version of Windows, the send-to folder is either in your Windows directory (Win95/98/Me) or in your Documents and Settings/<user> folder. (Win2000/XP) Send-to works with multiple files, so you can select more than one file, right-click on one of them and choose CLTool as the target for "Send to".

A note to course designers

CLSetup has the ability to assign some special assets to a course that the standard Course Utility program cannot currently handle. These assets are:
  • Custom flag - It is possible to assign a flag manually by copying a file named into the folder where the course is installed. If CLSetup finds a DDS file named in the course ZIP archive, it will automatically copy and assign this file as the custom flag.
  • Hole sounds for the caddy book - These are MP3 files that play when the user presses the "Caddie strategy" button in the caddy book. The files must be named hole1.mp3 through hole18.mp3. CLSetup will assign them to the course if they are included in the course ZIP archive.
  • Course initialization file - This is a file with extension .ini that should be in the same location as the .tcr course file. It must also have the exact same name as the course.  (Except for the extension) Have a look in the stock course folders for a guide on what you can customize. CLSetup will copy the file to the proper location if it is included in the ZIP archive.
  • Caddy book notes - This is a file with extension .tcn found in the EA SPORTS/Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004/Data/CaddieBook/Course Notes folder. It must have the exact same name as the course file. (Except for the extension) CLSetup will copy the file to the proper location if it is included in the ZIP archive.
  • Course logo - It is possible to assign a logo manually by copying a file named into the folder where the course is installed. If CLSetup finds a DDS file named in the course ZIP archive, it will automatically copy and assign this file as the custom logo.

CLSetup tries to determine the course assets by looking at the contents of the release archive, so if you follow a few golden rules, CLSetup will do its best to assign the correct assets to your course. These are the rules:

  • Always use the standard Course Utility program when you pack your course and its basic assets for release. This ensures 100% compatibility with users who do not use CLSetup.
  • Don't pack an extra copy of the splash screen in the ZIP archive unless the extra copy is identical to the splash screen inside the TCX file. If CLSetup finds more than one BMP or TGA file, it always assigns the last one it finds as the splash screen.
  • If you want to pack a README or design notes text file in the release archive, make sure the file you pack is larger than the course text file in the TCX file. If CLSetup finds more than one TXT file, it will always assign the smallest of the files as the course text.
  • Never use a DDS file as course splash screen, even though the Course Utility program will allow it. If more than one DDS file exists, CLSetup will not be able to tell which DDS file is the splash screen, which one is the custom flag, and which one is the course logo.
  • Always name a custom flag file CLSetup will no longer recognize flags with other file names.
  • Always name a custom logo file CLSetup will not recognize logos with other file names.
  • Never use a RTF or HTM file as course text. These formats aren't supported by the game anymore, even though the Course Utility program allows them to be used. CLSetup will ignore RTF and HTM files.
  • If you decide to include caddy book sounds, make sure you include a file for each hole.
  • If you decide to include CLS (Course Life System) files, make sure you add these in subfolders named "cls" and "sounds" in the distribution ZIP file. CLSetup looks for files in subfolders with these names and copies them into the appropriate locations if present.

That's basically it. Future versions of CLSetup may incorporate an initialization file to simplify the asset assignment, but for now I feel that the deterministic way is good enough, provided that you obey the rules above.

Uninstalling CLSetup

You uninstall CLSetup by manually deleting all files in the folder in which the program was installed. CLSetup keeps all its data in the file system and does not create any application level entries in the system registry.


  • CLSetup contains zlib code. Zlib is copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. See for more information.
  • CLSetup also contains the contributed zlib Unzip package. Unzip is written by Alessandro Iacopetti and maintained by Gilles Vollant. See for more information.
  • The CLSetup icon is a modified version of an icon found in the SketchCons package. For more information, see
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