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Posted: Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 6:37:16 PM | IP Logged

edited by: XenonSurf on Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 7:14:00 PM correction

as I went along with my testing series to get a self-made career run in TW08, I was rather pessimistic about seeing any course loading, but it works - at least for the stock courses of all games. But Im really surprised the little trick at the end was overseen by everyone, really guys, you were asleep...

You have to go through ALL game versions, TW06, TW07, TW08. Funny but its a plague. So lets see how.

lau4sta has made a nice post to explain how to get a career run in TW07. I will just tell the end of the story for TW08.
To see his method, go to:

Instead of adjusting TW06 and TW07 like in the post, you will adjust the same way TW07 and TW08: All courses must be present in all versions TW06, TW07, TW08 otherwise no go.

When you are finished with Step 7 of lau4stas post, then simply do the following:
Start your career in TW07 by going in the PGA Tour game mode, and then quit. Weve seen enough here and the PGA.gcf is now saved. This can now be used in TW08, its as simple as that.

Go to Documents\,,,\Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07\Career\Players
Here you copy the player folder and the [Player Name].plr of your career into:
Documents\,,,\Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08\Career\Players
In this location you will have to change some files:
In the folder Players\gcfs delete anything except the PGA.gcf
Go to the TW08 game folder ...\Default files\Career\GCFS and copy everything except PGA.gcf back to Documents\,,,\Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08\Career\Players\gcfs.

Now when launching TW08 you must adjust the player appearance to get a player logo: just go in the Game Face menu and back. Done.

You are ready to start your career, but maybe Ill have now to deceive you: I still dont know if custom courses (;other than the TW07/TW08 stock courses) will work and load.

Ive chosen Coghill as the starting course of my career and it will get me an error cannot initialize.... Ive then skipped that event and loaded the next one which was the Japanese Emerald Dragon course only - originally - present in TW07 (;if youve followed the right instructions it will now be in all TW06,TW07 & TW08).
All this is because Coghill is - originally - both in TW06 and TW08, yet the Career Editor will assign the TW06 Coghill which isnt installed in my TW08: These 2 courses are technically different courses!
If you have such double located courses, you will have to change the registry entries of the specific courses, all entries pointing to the TW08 courses. Do this BEFORE starting to edit your career. Fortunately, you can correct this easily by just doing the Reg changes and then open Career Editor which will reload the PGAUser.gcf again;; you then go to the relevant tourneys and re-chose the courses;; CE will then write the correct locations. Save and quit and make the dance again. It should work now.

Please let me know if youve succeeded with custom courses, as I will then start to download some good TW08 courses to finally give them real value.

Have fun with TW08,

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Posted: Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 7:17:53 PM | IP Logged

Here's an update about the Coghill not initializing issue:

I've started the career in TW07, here the Coghill (first event) will start correctly. So the PGA file will point to the TW07 course, not to the TW08 one. This must be corrected, BUT HOW?

Thanks to assist,

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Posted: Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 9:17:37 AM | IP Logged

All the above will soon be updated.


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Posted: Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 12:09:43 PM | IP Logged

edited by: XenonSurf on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 2:40:00 PM
Here comes the update to the above

How to create a career to play in TW08

- The files you need
- Preparation
- Creating your Career
- Limitations
- My testing

A. The files you need

TW06, TW07, TW08 must be installed on your system.
You will need CL Setup 06, CL Setup 07, TW Caddie installed to respectively
install/uninstall courses for TW06, TW07, TW08.
Career Editor for TW06 (;inclusive a PDF file)

You can create careers with all the stock courses of TW (;tested). Courses from, also called Custom Courses should work but: not yet tested.

B. Preparation

I will assume that you play your career and other courses in TW08 exclusively. If you want to play in TW06 or TW07 you will have to re-install the native courses.
There are redundant courses in the versions of TW like ST Andrews, present in any version or Pebble Beach etc. You will only retain the HIGHEST version of these courses and uninstall all the remaining ones. Also, courses not present in a version of TW must be added in that version.

Here a very short install/uninstall tutorial:

Create a folder on your HD that will contain all ZIP files.
Go to the game folder ...\Courses\ and open the subfolder of a course.
Here you select anything and make a ZIP file.
Cut this ZIP file and paste it into your created folder. When using the utilities
above you can then chose multiple ZIP files to be installed.

Here is the general preparation that you will have to go through once to make sure
everything is working ok:

TW07 courses to be uninstalled and replaced with the following TW08 courses:

St Andrews
Pebble Beach
TPC Sawgrass
K-Club Palmer Course
National - Moonah
Ocean Course, Kiawah Island

TW06 courses to be uninstalled and replaced with the following courses:

Coghill TW08
ST Andrews TW08
Pebble Beach TW08
TPC Sawgrass TW08
Witch Hollow at Pumpkin Ridge TW07

Courses to be transfered into TW06:
From TW7:

Aviara Golf Club
Central Park
Emerald Dragon
Riviera Country Club
Falls Golf Club
K-Club Palmer Course
National - Moonah
Ocean Course, Kiawah Island

From TW8:

East Lake Golf Club
Harbour Town Golf Links
TPC Boston
Westchester Country Club

Courses to be transfered into TW07:

From TW08:

East Lake Golf Club
Harbour Town Golf Links
TPC Boston
Westchester Country Club

From TW06:

Black Course at Bethage
Greek Isles
Paradise Coves
Pasatiempo Golf Club
Pinnacle Course at Troon North
Plantation Course at Kapalua
Reflection Bay

Courses to be transfered into TW08:

From TW6:

Black Course at Bethage
Greek Isles
Paradise Coves
Pasatiempo Golf Club
Pinnacle Course at Troon North
Plantation Course at Kapalua
Reflection Bay

From TW07:

Witch Hollow at Pumpkin Ridge
Aviara Golf Club
Central Park
Emerald Dragon
Falls Golf Club

Courses from Coursedownloads (;Custom courses):

All custom courses you want to use in your career game in TW08 must be installed
together with their libraries in TW06, TW07, TW08.
This is because:
TW06 > Career Editor needs to recognize the courses
TW07 > will save the PGA.gcf file and also must recognize the courses
TW08 > need courses referenced in the pga.gcf file to play your career.

Ok, you are finished? So lets move on.

C. Creating your career

Move the TW06 Career Editor into the bin folder of TW06. Read the pdf file to know how to use the editor, I wont go into details here.
To know how to best setup your career read the following post:

You are allowed 3 events per month and a total of 36 events.
you can take a pre-defined structure to start with or do one from scratch.
You can save at all time and quit Editor if you want, you dont have to finish
4 Majors Events must be present, AFAIK.
Dont put an important event at the start (;see Limitations below).
Dont put important events for december (;see Limitations below).

When finishing with the Career Editor, a file PGAUser.gcf is saved in
Documents\Tiger Woods PGA 06\Career\GCFS.
You must take this file and copy it under
Documents\Tiger Woods PGA 07\Career\GCFS

Create a new PRO player in TW07. Dont bother making subtle changes because you can do it later in TW08. You will be asked if you want to use the Custom Tournament file. Answer YES.

Go in the Game mode > PGA Tour. Simply click to skip the tutorial and then go into the calendar once. Thats it, Terminus for TW07, You can quit.

Go to Documents\,,,\Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07\Career\Players
Here you copy the player folder and the [Player Name].plr of your career into:
Documents\,,,\Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08\Career\Players.

In this location you will have to change some files:
In the folder Players\gcfs delete anything except the PGA.gcf and the PGAUser.gcf.

Go to the TW08 game folder ...\Default files\Career\GCFS and copy everything except
You past all this into the other folder
Documents\,,,\Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08\Career\Players\gcfs.

You are now go to start your new career.
When launching TW08 you must adjust the player appearance to get a player logo and make adjustments as you wish. Be sure that the player has a logo before entering PGA tour, you see that on the picture on the right of the name.

Special notes:
You can make changes in the Career Editor for your current career, but then dont forget to make the copy/paste operations as explained above. The changes should appear for the next years season. Also you MUST then go in TW07 > Game mode > PGA Tour > Calendar and then quit, in order that the new PGA.gcf is written for TW08 which you must then transfer as explained.
Remember: 1 player = 1 PGA.gcf in which all statistics are stored.

D. Limitations

I dont know if custom courses will work. I will test out Augusta 2008 and tell
you. Thank you for sharing your results here with other courses.

You will withdraw from the first event, the course cannot initialize. You must skip that event, I dont know why, you are welcome to find and post a solution.
All I can say is: dont chose an important event to start, set the entry fee to 1 or 5 $ and just skip it.

All December entries from the Career Editor will not show up. Again, you are welcome to help finding a solution!

The outfit of a player will slightly change from its creation in TW07 and its transfer to TW08. Just make the changes there.

E. My testings

I have chosen the predefined shema in the Career Editor, have changed the Cut conditions in some cases, added comments to see if they show up, have used exclusively TW07 and TW08 courses. TW06 courses *may* not work and not look good anyway in TW08.

I will test Augusta 2008 as a third event in the schedule in order to see if there are problems with custom courses.

Thank you for your feedback and enjoy TW08!


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Posted: Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 4:40:01 PM | IP Logged

Ok, guys, there are some very good news:

a) Custom Courses will fully work with all the grafics, all the bells & wis...

b) You can fix all the limitations above by:

- make sure the first month contains exactly 3 events
- You can simulate 3 FedEX events at december and the first event earlier

Once in TW07, make sure you go in the calendar and go through with the mouse through the first 3 events, then scroll through until december. Be sure to highlight ALL the december events with the mouse in order to make them appear on the left.
Then, you skip to next year. This will fill in some statistics to go with next season. Just let's say you got a wedding this year (don't forget: Tiger Woods also had some love & wedding affairs... Oh well,...)


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Posted: Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 4:48:09 PM | IP Logged

thank you, so very much. 

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Posted: Monday, September 12, 2011 at 2:45:56 PM | IP Logged

Wow, find of the decade! Fantastic work, xenon. 

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Posted: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 11:33:47 AM | IP Logged

Thanks XenonSurf.
Have my season loaded and running. You found in days what could not
be figured out in years... Thanks again! 

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Posted: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 12:06:46 PM | IP Logged

edited by: Gunpower61 on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 12:07:00 PM
Ty Xenonsurf, excellent work, we changed this topic from normal topic to Announcement.
When you go to forum...section General, it will also show up on top. 

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Posted: Friday, September 16, 2011 at 9:35:28 AM | IP Logged

Absolutely great job on finding a way to make this work Xenonsurf. Seams to work fine if you follow the instructions. I do have one question, you said not to put any important events in December, is there a reason for this, or will I just have to find out when I get to that point in my season? 

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Posted: Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 10:54:07 AM | IP Logged

jhdabrick said:
"I do have one question, you said not to put any important events in December, is there a reason for this, or will I just have to find out when I get to that point in my season?"

Hi jhdabrick,
you can add events on december, I've updated this (see posts below my main post). It's enough once you are in TW07 to go manually through the calendar list for the first events so that they appear in the window on the left, then scroll down to december and again, mark them all so that they appear on the left. Doing all this, the PGA.gcf file will be written correctly with all the necessary infos and you can use it in TW08. I think it's not necessary to even skip the first event, but you and other players will start with no statistics.


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Posted: Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 2:30:09 AM | IP Logged

this may have been covered in a different post but here goes. Is there a way to have the fedex playoffs at the end on a season of a custom career of tw08? in the career editor there is no selection criteria for fedex points. thanks 

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Posted: Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 7:43:12 PM | IP Logged

what if yiu do not have a playstation or xbox for tw 07" Are you out of luck: I have a pc and 06 and 08. Brian 

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Posted: Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 10:21:53 PM | IP Logged

you need TW07-PC for the libraries

not xbox/playstation/other console versions  
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Posted: Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 9:30:32 PM | IP Logged

I got my custom career working for the 2008 season after following the instructions. But when I go to the 2009 season there are no tournaments in the calendar. has anyone else had this problem. thanks 

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Posted: Friday, February 3, 2012 at 6:25:58 AM | IP Logged

edited by: bangus on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 7:09:00 AM
Like wopstick87, I can only get the custom career setup in 08 to play single seasons. Also, another bug: when I withdraw from a tourney during career mode, my PC hangs up and it doesnt let me exit. Works fine if I choose to save the tourney and play later, just cant withdraw from it.

Anyway, if the first issue is a game coding problem that cant be resolved due to incompatible game files, then the custom career option for single seasons is still a viable alternative as I see it. Everyone gets tired of playing the same courses every year anyway, right? Thats the whole point of having a custom editing option.

Thanks again to Xenon for posting this fix discovery. 

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Posted: Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 8:47:17 AM | IP Logged

Another issue I am having: The season doesn't finish out completely. The game crashes my PC after the final tourney of the year is complete, making it impossible to review end of season stats and so forth. 

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Posted: Monday, February 6, 2012 at 5:38:30 AM | IP Logged

I came up with my own fix for the issue with the game locking up at the end of the season, which then prevents one from viewing the end of season standings and stats. I have 22 tourneys in my season lineup. I simply added a 23rd dummy tourney at the end of the season. I don't actually play that tourney. I put it there so that the game reads it as the next tourney on the schedule. And now I am able to properly exit and save the game file at the conclusion of the 22nd and final tourney of my season.  

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Posted: Monday, February 6, 2012 at 8:36:00 AM | IP Logged

edited by: bangus on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 8:49:00 AM
More good news: The issue I mentioned regarding the game not allowing me to withdraw from a tourney happened because there was no scheduled tourney after it. When there are additional tourneys scheduled following the one you withdraw from, the game does in fact allow you to withdraw and go to the Tour Calendar screen without freezing up your PC.  

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Posted: Monday, February 6, 2012 at 12:25:35 PM | IP Logged

edited by: Gunpower61 on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 12:26:00 PM
Good news Bangus, and great idea to create a 23th tourney :) 

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